Monday, 2 April 2007

Sweating the small stuff

In recent times, I have seen and received a lot of questions about the little details. Examples are:
“Do I need to have my metabolic rate tested?”
”Should I do squats or deadlifts?”
“What brand should I use for my workout shake?”
”Should I do 20 minutes or 30 minutes of cardio?”
..or the best one…
“What fat burner do you recommend?”

These questions generally reflect a lack of focus on the important things, and my answer to 99% of people is “It doesn’t matter!” Unless you have the rest of your nutrition, exercise, supplement, rest and recovery regime at 90+ percent, there is NO point in worrying about whether you should use the protein shake with 78g protein and 4g fat or the one with 76g protein and 6g fat. Similarly, if you are eating Mars bars 3 times a week because you ‘don’t have time to prepare food’, getting your metabolic rate tested to see how many calories you require is a total waste of time! If you are thinking of starting training, or even if you train currently, ask the following questions in this order:

• Am I training often enough?
- If yes, move on to the next question, if no, remedy the situation

• Is my diet good 90% or more of the time?
- If yes, move on to the next question, if no, remedy the situation

• Am I taking all the basic recommended supplements? (multivitamin, fish oil, whey protein)
- If yes, move on to the next question, if no, remedy the situation

• Am I getting enough rest?
- If yes, move on to the next question, if no, remedy the situation

• Am I moving towards my goals?
- If yes, carry on doing what you’re doing, if no, THEN think about the small details!
This process should keep you on track to achieving your goals without getting distracted by the little details.

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