Mixed Martial Arts And Size Zero!
This came up in conversation with a client the other day, and I thought it'd make a great topic to write about! First, a little background...
In mixed martial arts, as with many combat sports, there are weight classes set in intervals of roughly a stone. Fighters are only ever matched up within their own weight classes, as a much larger individual has too big an advantage in terms of strength and mass and will often beat a more skilled smaller guy due to size alone. The weight classes eliminate these one-sided fights.
Now, some examples. The two pictures below are of Sean Sherk and Randy Couture, who are both UFC champions.
Both are about 8% bodyfat or thereabouts, both are in great shape and renowned for not tiring out. Looking at their build, they have pretty similar proportions. So you'd think it'd be a great fight between the two of them then? There's one problem.....Sherk weighs 155 lbs (11 stone) and Couture weighs 225 lbs (16 stone). If they ever did fight, Sherk would have a serious problem! On the other hand, Couture would have a serious problem fitting into one of Sherk's shirts. In order to get down to 155, he would have to lose 70 lbs of muscle, and even then may not fit into the same clothes due to having a much larger bone structure.
This is why I find the current obsession to be a size zero ridiculous - people have different body types, bone structure etc. and there is never going to be a 'one size fits all' solution to anything, let alone clothing! What you should instead strive for is minimal levels of body fat whilst maintaining a healthy amount of muscle, within the framework of your own body. This is a path that is much more likely to lead to success than blindly trying to reach a size that is impossible to do, and you are more likely to feel good and be healthy if working with your body's potential.
In summary, stop worrying about weight and size, and instead concentrate on fat.......or I'll set Randy Couture on you!